We have been advised by representatives at the Ontario Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Parks (MECP) that the toxicity testing on the water sample taken from Brandy Lake on September 24th has been completed. As we communicated in our emails on September 15th, September 22nd and September 30th, each sample for blue green algae has two tests; the first test to determine if it is blue green and the second to identify whether it is toxic or not. The September 24th sample contained one specie of blue green algae; Aphanizomenon flos aquae. The toxicity test for the sample taken on September 24th was identified this week as negative (i.e. non-toxic).
We have been advised by MECP that they will return to the two testing locations from September sometime in the next three weeks to sample again, hoping to confirm that the blue green algae is no longer present. These results will be available towards the end of November.
For those of you who have not been at the lake recently, we can confirm that the lake is quite clear now, and water levels have risen as a result of the rain over the past two weeks.
We will keep you informed as new information becomes available to us.