One of the greatest assets we have as the Brandy Lake community is the quality of our water. In order to protect our lake from the threat of blue-green algae, our vigilance as property owners is critical. As we look forward to spring and opening the cottage our collective resolve to avoid all use of herbicides, pesticides and especially fertilizers will make the difference. Secondly, we can each take responsibility for ensuring our septic system is healthy. The third thing we can each do is naturalize our shoreline. This shoreline buffer goes a long way to protecting the lake from runoff and providing the habitat necessary for a healthy lake ecosystem. Mindful boating also protects the shoreline from the damage caused by boat wakes.
And last but not least!
A special thank goes out to all our volunteers, especially Kevin Trimble and his water testing crew. If you can volunteer even a little of your time please let us know. We would welcome you aboard.
As we all look forward to the upcoming season at the lake let’s celebrate what we all share, a love of Brandy Lake.
Happy 2019 from your BLA Executive:
Daniela von Bredow – President
Don Burn – Vice President
Linda Mathers – Treasurer
Derek Stevens – Membership Director
Jon Deveith – Director at Large
Moreen Miller – Secretary
Margrit Kroll – Director at Large
Jeffery McBain – Director at Large